We would like to sincerely thank you, our business partner, that you took the time to complete the satisfaction survey.

Our promise “We measure, you grow” will be reflected by our continued professionalism and our efforts to maintain your trust in the way we listen to your wishes.

We will be committed to providing you with first-class testing services for the plastics, metals, electrical and automotive industries.
With the help of your answers, we have concluded:
  • That we will organise a guided tour of our laboratories in Železniki in the autumn of 2023. You will be informed about the exact date.
  • To examine ways in which we can make the information on accredited methods more prominent in future offers. In the meantime, the list and scope of accredited methods can be found in the Annex to the accreditation certificate No LP-004.
Did you know?
  • That we have added many new services (e.g. technical cleanliness according to VDA 19, media exposure, salt chamber calibration, automotive standard testing) to expand the scope of our business.
    If a service cannot be offered in-house, we try to involve a proven subcontractor, as we have established a wide network of contacts in other European testing laboratories (also for services that we have dropped over the years for various reasons, e.g. mould testing, environmental monitoring, etc.).
  • That we are always available for you on the general telephone number and on the number of the Head of Sales – testing department (Monday to Friday from 7.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m.). You can submit your questions by e-mail, which is regularly monitored. In case of more detailed questions, we can connect you with our technical staff.

Independent tests according to international standards, automotive standards or your requirements.