Carrying out corrosion and climate tests
Surface protection laboratory
According to international standards or your requirements, we perform corrosion and climate tests on all types of materials, semi-finished products and products.
After the test, we evaluate the results in the form of a Certificate with accompanying image material.
Activities of surface protection laboratory
Review of test procedures
- corrosion tests,
- climate tests,
- cyclic climate tests,
- temperature shock,
- UV – tests.
Other laboratory activities
- performing tests according to the requirements of automotive industry standards,
- exposure and evaluation of surface changes after the test for cold, dry heat, SO2, temperature changes – shocks,
- determination of adhesion of coatings,
- measuring the coating thickness on ferromagnetic and non-ferromagnetic surfaces,
- wear resistance of printed and lacquered surfaces.
Surface protection laboratory

Salt chamber testing

slana komora


laboratorij za povrsinsko zascito

KAPLJICE_povrsinska zascita

Salt chamber testing

slana komora


laboratorij za povrsinsko zascito

KAPLJICE_povrsinska zascita