Meeting of subsidiaries – LNet conference
23. 10. 2023
We wanted to use the time as effectively as possible, so we divided into two groups depending on the area of work.
In Železniki, the technical part of the staff listened to education and advanced training by representatives (Burster, Coord3, Edding, Mecmesin, Radwag, Schneider, Trimos) for the field of industry.
In two days of intensive workshops, the management is:
analyzed the consolidated report of the LOTRIČ Metrology group for 2022 and forecasts for 2023,
and determined the directions and plan for 2024.
Representatives of each company separately presented their key projects in the current year.
On Friday, time was devoted to key topics such as the quality rules, the presentation of the certification body’s new area of activity, IT security, and the development plan for its own application for the digitization of metrology processes – MeOL and QTree.
We took advantage of the rare opportunity, when representatives of all 10 companies within the LOTRIČ Metrology group meet in one place – for Teambuilding and the celebration of 30 years of business of TEHNIČAR Servag.
We look forward to the next meetings!
Below are some photo highlights: